[1]张来福 尹云厚*.细胞脂滴的物理结构及影响其稳定的因素[J].现代农业研究,2019,(10):115-120.
 Zhang Laifu Yin Yunhou*.The physical structure of cell fat droplets and the factors affecting their stability are summarized[J].Modern Agricultural Research,2019,(10):115-120.





The physical structure of cell fat droplets and the factors affecting their stability are summarized
张来福2 尹云厚1*
1 贵州民族大学550025;2 延边大学133002
Zhang Laifu2 Yin Yunhou1*
1 Guizhou university for nationalities 550025;2 Yanbian University 133002
lipid droplet structure stable emulsion
脂滴是储存中性脂质的细胞器,对能量代谢至关重要,它们广泛存在于存在于动物、植 物、真菌,甚至细菌中。脂滴是油包水乳液在细胞水溶液中的分散相,乳液的基本生物物理原理 对于脂滴生物学的重要性正在被人们所重视。由于其存在于分散油相和水胞质之间的独特结 构,其形成,生长和收缩的具体机制尤为复杂,这种机制使细胞能够在代谢能量或膜合成需求发 生变化时使用乳化油,有利于为细胞新陈代谢提供更有利的途径。此外,脂滴表面的磷脂作为 表面活性剂组成的调控对脂滴的稳态和表面蛋白靶向至关重要。在这里,我们回顾脂滴的乳液 结构及其在
Lipid droplets are organelles that store neutral lipids, which are essential for energy metab? olism. They are widely found in animals, plants, fungi and even bacteria.Lipid droplet is the dis? persed phase of oil-in-water emulsion in aqueous cell solution.Due to its unique structure between dispersed oil phase and hydrocytoplasm, the specific mechanism of its formation, growth and contrac? tion is particularly complex. This mechanism enables cells to use emulsion oil when metabolic ener? gy or membrane synthesis demand changes, which is conducive to providing a more favorable path? way for cell metabolism.In addition, the regulation of phospholipids on the surface of lipid droplets as surfactant composition is crucial to lipid droplet homeostasis and surface protein targeting. Here, we review the structure of lipid droplets and their mechanisms of intracellular stabilization, and brief? ly describe the latest developments in this emerging field.


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* 基金项目:贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合基础[2018]1073)。 作者简介:张来福,男,汉族,黑龙江鸡西人,延边大学,硕士,主要从事动物营养方面研究。地址吉林省延吉 市延边大学科技楼601,电话18943705542,邮箱741841200@qq.com。 通讯作者:尹云厚,男,汉族,江西永新人,贵州民族大学,博士,副教授,主要从事动物营养方面研究。地址 贵州省贵阳市花溪区保利溪湖,电话13595143449,邮箱yuhouyin@xinlang.com。
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